Spanish classes for Jr/Sr High Schools
We know how hard it is for school administrators to meet staffing needs with qualified teachers and meet student needs. Therefore, we offer a solution specifically for school districts looking for certified Spanish teachers.
Our program is run by a NYS certified teacher with many years of experience and awareness of what students need to successfully learn a language. In addition, the New York State Department of Education updated the world language standards to align with the needs of learners in the 21st century, and Lenguas Club curriculum is based on these standards and also follows ACTFL guidelines for teaching world languages. Our units are designed to advance students to the next level while our pedagogy also takes into consideration student interests and preferences. We also collaborate with school districts through a problem-solving approach to meet their specific needs.

What do you offer schools?
We provide virtual immersion classes through live sessions led by highly qualified native Spanish teachers, using best practices to build students’ communication skills and global awareness through authentic human interactions.
We offer a Spanish language curriculum solution based in virtual cultural immersion to meet New York State education requirements and the individual needs of the school district, school program, and staff. Schools looking for a certified Spanish teacher can join Lenguas Club to offer their students an opportunity to learn Spanish from native speakers who are also New York State certified teachers.
Lenguas Club curriculum is based in real-world experiences and contexts, which is the best way to learn and speak Spanish fluently. Our curriculum is based on the Oral Proficiency Guidelines of the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages and aligns with the New York State Standards for World Languages.
We have had great success working with many school districts, and teachers and students have enjoyed the experience of learning from certified teachers and native Spanish speakers based in Latin America. See our testimonials to learn more about their experiences.
“I loved the virtual meetings. My students left the class excited and ready to do it again.”
Ms. Rhones
Spanish Teacher
How does it work?
Our course holds scheduled live group sessions with learning activities each week (held via Google Classroom and Zoom). Students converse about different topics and use Spanish in ways customized to their personal experiences.
Students log into the video classroom each class day to meet with their teacher, practice different aspects of the Spanish language, and learn about Spanish language cultures. Visitors often join the class, including students from Colombia. Students read, write, and talk with each other, the teacher, and guests during class- all in Spanish!
Students submit assignments through Google Classroom, or on paper, depending on the activity. If students are absent, they can and are expected to make up the missing work, available in Google Classroom. If students need help or want to improve their grades, our teachers will meet with them during office hours- email us for information.
Why should we work with you?
Lenguas Club offers students the unique opportunity to interact with invited guests who are native Spanish speakers from Latin America. These interactions respond to the individual interests and career goals of the students in the class. As a result, students have the opportunity to practice their Spanish language skills while also making connections with native speakers.
We are also forging connections with local colleges and universities so that students taking our Spanish classes have the option to earn college credits. Students not only gain proficiency in Spanish but also also earn college credits on their transcript.
Lenguas Club is the culmination of Dr. Marcin’s research on language learning and pedagogy. She developed this program because she truly believes that the best way to learn a language is by using it.
Transform language education in your school or department with our native Spanish-speaking teachers and immerse your students in a captivating virtual experience that goes beyond mandates for World Language Education.

With Lenguas Club, your students will discover the depth of Spanish culture and language in a fully immersive classroom setting.
Multilingual Learners (“ML”), sometimes also referred to as English as a Second Language (“ESL”), English Language Learners (“ELL”), or English as a New Language (“ENL”), are increasing in population. We understand the challenge for schools to try to keep up with this growing demand and student need. Therefore, Lenguas Club offers support to school districts with ML students that are not able to hire teachers or other staff to support ML students in their learning journey.

Growth driven community
We don’t stop at students. Our community also supports educators with targeted professional development focused on the unique challenges of teaching world languages as well as teaching multilingual learners.
We’re committed to equipping educators with the expertise to create dynamic, multicultural classrooms where every learner can succeed. We offer expert guidance in language pedagogy and supportive strategies for diverse learners.

Expert guidance in language pedagogy and strategies for supporting diverse learners.
Lenguas Club has created the “World Language Teachers Club” – a professional learning community for world language teachers. We support teachers with workshops and training opportunities in areas such as world language standards, global learning, the seal of biliteracy, and authentic language learning. We have created a professional development program and global network for teachers from around the world to meet, practice their language skills, and develop their cultural competency.